Monday, April 20, 2015

Emily's Fashion Week

This week started with Emily going into isolation with her fist cold virus.  She tested positive for coronavirus last Saturday, yet we have been blessed that she didn't present with any symptoms except for a little more congestion in her nose.  She actually through the week went down in her oxygen support instead of up like you would expect. 

Blair and I have also enjoyed taking clothes up that others have given up for Emily to wear.  We weren't going to take any of out stuff at first in fear they would get lost in the hospital laundry.  Then seeing how mush she is growing I figured we needing to start taking our clothes else they would not fit her anymore by the time she came home.  We have love dressing her up in the evening and them taking a picture of how cute she is.   Then to prevent then from getting lost we have a laundry bag by her bed to put the dirty clothes in for me to bring home to wash instead of them going to the hospital's laundry. So fare this have worked we hope it will continue to work for us.

Here is a glimpse of Emily's First Fashion Week...

What outfit do you think she looks the cutes in?

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