Sunday, March 8, 2015

Transfer and Sergery

This week started Monday morning with Emily's nurse calling us saying she was to the point of needing to be transferred.  Her ultrasound got worse and she could not keep her oxygen and heart rate stable.  The plan was to transfer her late afternoon, early evening as Primary Children's still needed time to get a space ready for her. 

All strapped in for my first ride
The transport team came and because of her desats. they decides they needed to re-intubate for transport.  This was hard as it took the team about an hour to intubate her because when they would tray she would desat to much and they would have to stop bring her back up before trying again.  They eventually got it and we were on our way. 

Emily's new home at Primary Children's Hospital
When we got to Children's the neurologist was there to evaluate Emily, and he said that they would continue to watch her as she didn't quite meet the requirements to intervene at this time.  I hat when doctors do this as we were transfer for they to do something and they say they still need to wait.  Well it didn't take long before Emily started to show them what she needed.  On Wednesday Blair and I were getting all ready with our plan for the day when we got a phone call from the doctors saying they were going to do surgery that day.

We dropped everything we were planning on doing and headed to the hospital.  The surgery was simple as they were going to put in a ventricular reservoir.  Emily did really good in surgery it was harder on me as I had to say bye and to think that she is only a month old and having to already have surgery. That evening she got off the ventilator and is now back on the CPAP with a rate. 

All tired out just after surgery
Yea the tub is out once again
She is now getting daily "TAPS" were they take a needle into the reservoir and drain off her extra fluid.  The first time they tried to pull all the fluid they needed to pull, yet she didn't do well so they are now Tapping her twice a day and only pulling half at a time. 

We have also been able to start holding her again. Which has been a grate bonding for her and us, for after the fist time Blair held her last week he now fight me to hold her.  It was a hard beginning of the week but has ended on a high note.
Aunt Melissa is the first to hold Emily other than mom and dad.

After surgery this week Emily has also started to be a cute as she starts to make spontaneous facial expressions.  Blair got a couple of picture while she was awake one time.

One time as she was sleeping Emily got her fingers to her month.

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