Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Rollercoster

When we had Emily everyone said how we were on the roller-coaster of our life.  With the ups and downs of Emily being in the NICU.  Over the past few weeks Emily was doing so good in her progress that I forgot that there was to be downs, until we hit this last week. 

The complication really started about a week after she was born, when the doctors told us that Emily had a bleed in the brain.  At that time they didn't know what this meant for her, yet they would do weekly ultrasounds to watch it.  The following week her test showed her bleeding stopped, yet she now had fluid build up.  They continued to measure her head daily and did weekly ultrasounds.  Then this week when they did her ultrasound on Monday I was hit with the news that the fluid on the brain was not looking good.  They are starting to consult with the neurologist at Primary Children's as it was getting to the point that she might have to be transferred there for them to manually drain the fluid with the possibility of needing to put in a shunt. They are still watching her fluid levels and have moved doing ultrasounds twice a week. 

This was really hard to hear and then just after that Emily decided to have desaturations in her heart rate and oxygen level.  After a scary situation the doctors decided to give her back her breathing rate.  She has been on her full rate of 10 the enter week.  This is to help her focus on relaxing to help her brain get better. 

On other the other side of things, they removed her PIC line which means that they were able to slowly up her food intake.  It also means Emily is getting all of her feeding through her feeding tube in her mouth.  (They want start bottle feeding for a few more weeks).  With the increase in food she is starting to really gain weight and is looing more like a tiny baby. 

Last things as it took some pushing, yet Blair had got to hold Emily for the first time Saturday night.  Of course the night that he holds her for the first time he didn't bring his phone so we didn't get a picture.  Emily had her arms out and he said it felt she was trying to give him a hug.  Now with him getting over the first hold he thinks I have to share her more, but we will see about that.

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