Wednesday, February 11, 2015

When Problumes Start...

 We had just went to the doctors two weeks before and he talked to us about kick counts and what to be doing next.  He found no problems then and all looked good.  Then this last Tuesday, Fed 2, I woke up having this feeling that something might be wrong as the feelings of the baby were a little less then what I was us to,  I but the feeling aside as Blair pick up on some movement.  I figured I was dehydrated so I figured I would focus on my water in tack that day.  The next day, I still was not feeling the baby, yet Blair still picked up small movements so we thought the baby was just flipped into a position with her back against my abdomen.  I again spent that day getting hydrated and convincing myself that everything was fine.  That night I had to walk back to my Head Start classroom after I was done working at the daycare.  When I got their I laid down.  My this still didn't help so by the time Blair got me I was very worried, yet I also new I had work to do and I was torn between getting my job done or going in for then to say everything was fine.  Good for Blair my worries got him going and he my the best dision we could have made.  We turned around and went in.  We got to the ER they picked up a hart beat but sent us over to the hospital for a stress test.  We got in the room and on the monitor and about 10-15 minutes later the nurse came in and talked to use about what was going on.  She didn't like that we took two days to come in but gave us help if we get conserved again. 

Then it all happened.  She let us know that she wanted to monitor the baby a little long so see if she could get the baby active.  She gave me apple juice and went to call our doctor.  The next thing we knew the nurse came back in needed to give me an IV and said the doctor ordered and ultrasound.  Just after she was done explaining this the doctor came in very concerd telling Blair and I that things don't look good and he was needing to get the baby out.  The doctor explained it to us that the baby had a very monotone heart rate with the occasional dips.  Where they should be seeing the babies heart rate go up and done as she moved around. 

After the doctor said emergency C-section everything went fast.  They took me into the OR had me prepped and ready before the anesthesiologist got their.  When he got their he put me out and the next thing I knew I was walking up in a room.

Our daughter was born ten minutes after midnight on February 5.  She weighed 2.5 pounds and was 14 inches long.

Blair's brother, Scott, came to support him and soon after I came out my sister Melissa came.  As Blair called her, because he could not get a hold of my parents.  Blair then took his brother and then my sister to see our baby girl that didn't have a name yet.  They brought me back pictures which I was grateful for, yet made me want to see her even more.
Emily Waving HI to the World

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